




10 Ways to Save Money With a Single Phone Call

Written By mounjidsoft on Mar 21, 2012 | 09:56

Technology has provided us with so many easy ways to save money, but there’s still one very convenient low-tech savings tool: the phone call. If you’re able to get an actual human being on the other end of the phone, you can talk your way into some serious savings. Here are 10 easy ways you can save big just by picking up the phone.
Avoid late fees
So you missed your credit card or phone payment by a day or two (it happens), and now you’ve got yourself a pesky late fee, and possibly some interest. If you’ve been in good-standing with the company, it’s likely you can get them to reverse it. Just call up customer service, explain your situation, remind them of what a great customer you’ve been and see what they can do for you. In most cases, the company will waive the late fee and any interest owed as a “one-time courtesy.” Chances are this trick will only work once, so try not to make it a habit.

Get a cable bundle
Cable companies offer great deals for new customers, especially if you bundle your cable, phone and internet services together. But once you’ve been a customer for a year or so, your bill will start to skyrocket. Call up customer service, tell them you’re going to cancel your plan and switch to a cheaper competitor and see what type of deal they offer you to get you to stay. Some companies are very quick to try to please you, but if you run into some jibber-jabber or an uncaring customer service rep, be brave and schedule a cancellation! You’ll likely get routed to a “cancellation specialist” (code for “salesperson”) asking how they can keep your business. Then negotiate away! Just don’t be too overbearing. Asking for the same pricing new customers get is fair and usually works.

Adjust your auto insurance
There are all sorts of little ways to save money on your insurance premiums, especially if your circumstances have changed. Are you working closer to home than when you signed up? Have you and your spouse switched vehicles? Are you a loyal customer and safe driver? Call up your insurance company and talk about your driving lifestyle. You’ll likely find some savings.

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