Register for free with eHow
Obviously, to get get started and make money with eHow, you have to apply for eHow’s writer’s compensation program. Once you are approved, you can start writing “how to” based articles and you get paid based on the popularity of your articles.
Pick attractive and unique article titles
The title of your article is what will make or break it. If you want people to click on your tile and read your article, make your title attention grabbing.
Pick good keywords
If you want to make money on eHow, you need to pay attention to the keywords you use to base your articles around. Choose popular keywords for your articles so you can get more views on your articles, as the more views you get on your articles, the more money you can make using eHow.
If you can write, you can make money writing for eHow!
eHow articles are based on “how to” method, which means the title must start with “how to…” and the article itself should be step by step kind of article. Make sure you keep your article short and easy to read. People tend to get board with long steps faster and leave the page.
Add images, tips and warnings to your articles
Images are great for grabbing the attention of the reader, so be sure to add related images to your articles. Also, eHow articles have a few sections under the article like “warnings” and “tips”, make sure you use those spaces to add to the quality of your articles and give more information to the readers.
Promote your article
Masking money on eHow comes down to traffic and page views. Promote the articles you wrote for eHow in any way you can. The more you promote your eHow articles and the more traffic you get to your article pages, the more money you can make on eHow. Although, one good thing about making money with eHow as a writer is that eHow articles tend to rank high in the search engines, especially Google, so they enjoy lots of free targeted traffic even without any promotion. Non the less, it always is better to promote your articles and get the most out of each one.
There are many ways to get paid to write online and many websites that do pay you to write, but of course not all are get paid to write websites are create equal. But when it comes to eHow, I truly believe learning how to make money with eHow is worth the effort.
1 commentaires:
I made $20 for completing a 20 minute survey!
Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, participates in surveys and gives them their opinion.
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