While selecting a credit card might seem like a rather minor concern given everything else a small business owner must tackle, its importance should not be overlooked. Even though small business owners are generally held personally liable for business credit card use and information about this use is typically relayed to their personal credit reports, business credit cards are not governed by the same laws as general-consumer credit cards. That means things like universal default and double-cycle billing are fair game, and issuers are free to arbitrarily increase interest rates on existing business credit card debt if they so choose. Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use a business credit card, but it does mean that you must carefully choose the cards with which you fund your company and make everyday purchases if you are to enjoy any sort of debt predictability.
So, the million dollar question is: How does one go about finding the right business credit card?
Intended Usage
It all starts with the way in which you plan to use your card. Given the level of risk associated with revolving a balance on a business credit card and how detrimental a constant threat of unexpected cost-of-debt increases would be to your ability to allocate funds and create any sort of reliable long-term business plan, you must use a personal credit card for any business expenses that will not be paid for in full by the end of the month. In order to save on interest, find the 0% credit card with the longest introductory period possible.
So, the million dollar question is: How does one go about finding the right business credit card?
Intended Usage
It all starts with the way in which you plan to use your card. Given the level of risk associated with revolving a balance on a business credit card and how detrimental a constant threat of unexpected cost-of-debt increases would be to your ability to allocate funds and create any sort of reliable long-term business plan, you must use a personal credit card for any business expenses that will not be paid for in full by the end of the month. In order to save on interest, find the 0% credit card with the longest introductory period possible.
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