




7 Great Books for Learning Passive Income

Written By mounjidsoft on Mar 24, 2012 | 05:58

In the age of the microchip, almost anyone with computer access has all the tools they need to set up the systems that can bring in passive income.
It helps to have a guide in the wild world of online entrepreneurship, however.
Thankfully, a number of books offer to teach readers the ins and outs of generating passive income. This list contains some of the best books out there that will orient you and teach you the skills you need to know in order to start making progress toward your passive income dreams.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
This book introduces the important distinction between assets and liabilities and provides a solid grounding in the possibility of passive income. Rich Dad Poor Dad doesn’t cover the technical details of setting up online passive income streams, but it nails the high-level ideas that will reorient your thinking about money and how you make it.
The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
In this book, author Ferriss coined the phrase “lifestyle design,” which has since become a part of the online lexicon. Although the specific tactics Ferriss explains are by now a bit dated (believe it or not, three and a half years is a long time in the world of e-business), the ideas in The Four Hour Workweek retain their punch. Take advantage of the possibilities unleashed by computers and the internet to design your ideal lifestyle—The Four Hour Workweek can show you how.
Problogger by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett
What do you get when two successful bloggers and online business experts pool their knowledge and distill it into book form? A heck of a tour of how to succeed at blogging.
Problogger is clear, packed with information and designed to be used and implemented in real-time. This is probably the best book on blogging currently available. If you are at all interested in incorporating blogging into your online passive income strategy, then you owe it to yourself to check out this book.
How to Make Millions With Your Ideas by Dan Kennedy
In this book, Dan Kennedy surveys the gamut of possible avenues for entrepreneurial endeavors and shares a huge array of ideas and approaches. If you would like to get moving toward creating passive income but feel stuck, this book will very likely get your ideas flowing.
Minimalist Business by Everett Bogue
This list wouldn’t be complete without at least one e-book to help you on your way to creating passive income.
The author of this e-book, Everett Bogue, writes a popular blog on minimalism at
In Minimalist Business, Bogue shares the approach he took to go from 0 to generating six figures in his first year of writing his blog and selling affiliate and original products through his site.
Everett also places a heavy emphasis on minimizing unnecessary expenses on your way to creating your online passive income. Extremely sound advice for any online entrepreneur just starting out.
The Dip and Linchpin by Seth Godin
Seth Godin is one of the best-known marketing authors in the world.
If you only read two of his books (though you’d do well to read everything he’s ever written, including his longstanding blog), then read The Dip and Linchpin.
The Dip covers the challenges that confront anyone endeavoring to undertake something worthwhile (and how to make it through The Dip and over to the other side) while Linchpin articulates the attributes necessary for those who want to excel in this new economic age.
To succeed online, you’ll need to adopt a totally different attitude toward your business efforts than you would if you were just working a job for someone else. Both of these books by Seth Godin emphasize the particular characteristics that will most help you cross over from being paid by someone else to being in charge of your economic destiny.

This is, of course, a very short list of books that can help you on your way to creating passive income online. If you’re looking for a solid grounding in the mentality that will help you think differently about your options and opportunities as an independent online entrepreneur, start with these and let us know your favorites in the comments!

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